Back to the old days..

Bell came over to my place for movies again... We watched down with love and All about love. We had pasta and soup for lunch. Left my place at like 4 plus and we took the train, where we took damn lotsa of pictures... I bet everybody had their attention drawn to us... ;)

We went to Macdonalds for sherrie's birthday party as planned. Yes people, you are so not seeing things... It's at macdonalds and we had happy meal and played childish games and all that... We had fun la, although we had a lot of complaints, we still enjoyed it. And all that " I don't friend you" thingy... it's like back to a little kid la.. seriously, I've never ever go for a party at mac before and this time was an unforgettable one, but of course a pleasant one too. In any case, anyone of you would like to follow trend, PLEASE... DON'T, okay?? Cause sher gets to be the first person and the last person that I'll ever attend such party for. Well, if you all really want to try it, I'll probably be "sick" or " lost my way" on the day =P

Don't we just look like princesses... hahahahahah.. just dreaming to be one.
And ya once again, Happy 18th Birthday sherrie!! We love sherrie.Lots. hugs-
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