Tuesday, November 21, 2006

i'm happy

Happy [Hap-ee] :
1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing:
to be happy to see a person.
2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure or contentment:
a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.

blessed, blithe, captivated, cheerful, content, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, gay, gleeful, gratified, intoxicated, joyous, jubilant, merry, mirthful, peppy, playful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, upbeat

** depicts my happiness & doubles it. loveloves, teehee. =))
I will do my anything just to hear you say... I love you.
Everything I do just for you, even trying to lead a spartan life.
Can't you tell?? Didn't you know??