Tuesday, March 06, 2007


been home a few nights to watch a few show.
1st, finish 情陷夜中环 in 2 days, not too bad.
2nd, 终极一班 in 3 days. totally comical. it's a love or hate show though.
3rd, Full House in 2 days. it's good. =)
I can't helped but agree that I should have watched Full House
before My Girl, cause My Girl's plot is a little better than Full House.
now waiting for either one of my three friends to pass me 花样少年少女
then ming hui to pass me 恶作剧之吻
maybe I can find some kind soul to lend me 恶魔在身边 too. =)

Holidays been SO MEANINGFUL so far. =x
going for my checkup tomorrow, hope everything goes well.
bless me.