Saturday, July 14, 2007

excuse me, for being me

"Trying to forget someone you love is like
trying to remember someone you never knew."

Good food didn't seem heavenly, maybe I didn't feel bliss anymore.

Talks didn't diminished my agony, maybe I just felt pathetic.
I look around me only to find that everyone seems a bit more loved than I am.
There's a lot of smart people out there, not me.
There's a lot of strong people out there, not me.
Stop it once, but I didn't stop it twice.
Time to face my solitude once again.
Avoiding it won't make things better but I guess facing it just made things worse.
I know meanwhile what's important is staying strong.
cause I think someone will want me to. :)
I guess the "20072007" thing was just a dream that will never come true for me.
not anymore. It's not that I wanted it badly, but oh well.
and all the songs going through my mind, makes me...
all these seems redundant now. sigh.
I guess time and fate really changes thing, but whether it's for better or worse
I won't know.
Now let me say it this "Oi lei yit san yit se" :)

p.s really hope it won't rain the coming week, cause raining makes me all emotional.
not good.
when I left, I thought I was strong. I thought so. I really did.
guess It's the consequences that made things hard.
now it's just all by myself without you.
People; just one post. After this you'll never hear about it. At least, I hope so.