Saturday, March 15, 2008

Taiwan & Hong Kong :)

This entry is meant for my coming trip.
I'll be away from 15th to 23th.
will update when I can. :)
taiwan/hong kong, here I come!

p.s hope it'll be a pleasant trip... muahahaha :)

** Updated :
okay, took so long to update. sorry.
cause I was sick throughout the trip and
had stomach flu for a week when I was back.
well, the trip was great fun and I enjoyed myself so much.
mmm, other than the fact that I was coughing so badly there,
the trip was so enjoyable. lotsa scenery, good food, historical stuff and whatever not
plus my personal faves; hot spring and SHOPPING :)

here's a pic to depict my trophies from tw/hk

Now I'm in such a holiday mood that
I wanna go back to taiwan again soon! =p

Thursday, March 13, 2008

what am I thinking?

you can't hate someone for their love.

sometimes, things can be so simple
yet many don't comprehend the meaning in it.

So many things to do, so little time.
sigh, I am feeling a little nostalgic & melancholic.