Sunday, June 27, 2010


for my love, f my life...

想法很乱 幻觉太多  疑虑很大 直到说不清楚
心算太慢 但仍然算错   找对人 偏错过

(repeat*)直到开始想喜欢我 直到终于不喜欢我
直到碰上一个 逃避一个  追不上 躲不过
直到开始找不到我 直到终于不想找我
直到你擦身过 才认得 我
彼此也在折磨 像当初

Saturday, June 26, 2010

nothing at all.
today, something hurts... fml
I better go do my eye mask and sleep like now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

learn part I

people lie for many reason. One of which, is to stop making things more worst.
Yet the greatest lie of all, is lying to yourself...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

one day...

Is this right? If not, will you tell me the right way then?
Learn, my dear, learn...
Learn to be happy :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How's life?? I've been wanting ask you.
I hope life's treating you well. Like I'm trying to, myself. :)
My throat's been a pain but I am gettiing on...
Just a few more months to go, jiayou! :)

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

been sick since last thursday, I hope I get well soon...

it's like building something up gradually and watching it fall apart.
nobody cares to move... if it ain't love, what is it?
and when he finally moved her, she said "let's move on". I guess, this is it.